Welcome to your Web Design Set – 3 1. Which HTML tag produces the biggest heading? None 2. HTML web pages can be read and rendered by Compiler Server Web Browser Interpreter None 3. Which of the following HTML attribute is used to define inline styles? Style type class None of the above None 4. w3.css is alternative of Bootstrap JavaScript AngularJS HTML None 5. Which of the following is the correct way to start an ordered list with the count of numeric value 4? None 6. What should be the first tag in any HTML document? None 7. W3.CSS provides the CSS for Tablet And Mobile Desktop Laptop All Of The Above None 8. W3.CSS is used for Client Side Scripting Responsive Web Designing Server Side Scripting All of Above None 9. You should consider the following point seriously while designing a Web page Identifying banners, logos, the desktop or client computer or similar devices Navigational elements, such as Nav bar, buttons or any text links to other pages Text of all types All of the above None 10. HTML tags are enclosed in # and # { and } ! and ? None 11. Which of the following is the container for , , and ? All of the Above None 12. Which of the following tag is used to add rows in the table? and None of the above and None 13. The tag in HTML is used for new line new paragraph vertical ruler horizontal line None 14. Which of the following attribute is used to provide a unique name to an element? class id type None of the above None 15. Which of the following is the correct way to create a list using the lowercase letters? None of the above None 16. Which of the following HTML tag is used to display the text with scrolling effect? None of the above None 17. HTML tags are surrounded by which type of brackets Curly Round Square Angle None 18. How can you make a list with numbers? None 19. What tag is used to display a picture in a HTML page? None 20. Which of the following HTML tag is the special formatting tag? None of the above None 21. who is the owner of w3.css nielit.gov.in w3schools.com w3.org w3framework.org None 22. Which of the following is the correct way to send mail in HTML? None of the above None 23. Tags and texts that are not directly displayed on the page are written in which section None 24. Which is the correct CDN for W3.CSS https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/4/w3.css https://www.w3school.com/w3css/4/w3.css https://www.w3.org./w3css/4/w3.css https://www.w3schools.org/w3css/4/w3.css None 25. What are the types of unordered or bulleted list in HTML? disc, square, triangle polygon, triangle, circle disc, circle, square All of the above None Share this:TweetEmailTelegramPrintWhatsAppLike this:Like Loading... Related Posts (You May Also Read):