Welcome to your Consepts Of Internet Set - 4 1. Which is not the application level protocol FTP S/MIME PGP HTTP None 2. Which is the error message reported by ICMP Time exceeded Host unreachable Echo request All of these None 3. TTL stands for Time-To-Login Time-To-Live Transistor-Transistor-Live None of these None 4. In which layer of OSI model IP is available: Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 None 5. In a TCP header source and destination header contains 8 Bits 16 Bits 32 Bits 128 Bits None 6. Which is the type of port Serial Parallel AGP All of these None 7. Which is the false statement TCP enable dataflow for monitoring It avoid network saturation TCP makes communication between server and client. In TCP/IP model Internet layer is closest to the user. None 8. Which is the type of socket Datagram Stream Raw All of these None 9. IP is defined in RFC 790 RFC 791 RFC 792 RFC 793 None 10. Which protocol is used to report error message TCP ICMP SMTP IP None 11. Parallel Port can not connect Printers Scanners Telephones Monitors None 12. Parallel port can transfer ____ bits of data at a time 2 5 8 16 None 13. _____is an access channel for computers to exchange information. Socket Port Gateways Protocol None 14. USB stands for: United Serial Bus Universal Serial By-Pass Universal System Bus Universal Serial Bus None 15. Which is the lowest layer of TCP/IP model Application Layer Network Access Layers Host to Host Layer Internet Layer None 16. Which is the fastest port for data transfer USB Serial Parallel FireWire None 17. How many ports a computer may have 256 128 1024 65535 None 18. Which is the part of Data Link Layer MAC LLC Both a and b None of these None 19. Default port for HTTP 23 21 25 26 None 20. In computer which range is in registered ports 0 to 1023 1024 to 49151 49151 to 65535 None of these None 21. _______are hardware and software combinations that connect devices running different native protocols. Gateways Ports Models Protocols None 22. Which network architecture is developed by IBM? Digital Network Architecture System Network Architecture Distributed Network Architecture Boroughs Network Architecture None 23. Which is the IP source routing method SSR LSR LLR Both a and b None 24. What is the use of IP source routing Mapping the network drive Troubleshooting Performance All of above None 25. Which is not the part of the UDP datagram Source Port Destination Port Checksum None of these None Share this:TweetEmailTelegramPrintWhatsAppLike this:Like Loading... Related Posts (You May Also Read):