Welcome to your CCC Set – 7 1. Which of the following is 'life insurance'? Humans Humans and animals Of machines All of the above None 2. What is the maximum percentage of zoom in MS power point? 400 500 200 600 None 3. What is Yahoo? Search engine Web browser Software social media None 4. What is an unsolicited email called? Spam Emails sent for commercial advertising a & b both None None 5. Who issues coins? Government of India Planning Commission RBI None of the above None 6. Who invented the keyboard (Founder of Keyboard)? Martin Cooper Christopher Latham Sholes James Gosling None of these None 7. Which of the following defines the registered process for a message header (message title)? RFC 4865 RFC 3865 RFC 3864 None 8. Which of the following is the protocol to download email in 'mail box' from server? SMTP POP3 IMAP HTTP None 9. Which of the following is not an input device? Mouse Keyboard Screener Printer None 10. Data transport layer is merged before the actual delivery to the recipient, what is this process called? Segmentation Blocking Packing Reassembling None 11. What is the default file extension of LibreOffice spreadsheet? .odt .ods .ots .xls None 12. Which of the following is used for any accounting or professional work? MS Word MS PowerPoint MS Excel All of Above None 13. What is the maximum amount of check? 1 lakh rupees 1 crore rupees Rs 10 crores There is no limit None 14. What is the shortcut key to refresh? F7 F8 F5 None None 15. What happens if you take a counterfeit note in a bank? You have to go to jail You will get real notes in exchange for that Will deposit from the bank and will not have any value Will refund you from banks None 16. Cut, copy and paste etc. are done by which menu? Edit Insert menu Format File None 17. What is 'Spider'? Is a program of search engine It is a programming language Is the operating system Browser None 18. What is the full form of PAN? Private Account Number Permanent Account Number Permit Account Number None None 19. What is used between LAN and LAN? Bridge Host Terminator None of these None 20. Which of the following protocols is used to transfer a file from one PC to another? FTP SMTP TCP / IP POP None 21. What is the shortcut key to open a new project in PowerPoint? Ctrl + N Ctrl + O Ctrl + M Ctrl + Shift + D None 22. Accidentally you make a mistake, when you are working in your document, how will you recover it? Ctrl + Y Ctrl + U Ctrl + Z Ctrl + X None 23. Along with sound, graphics and animation, what else is edited under multimedia? Grammar Map Words Drawing None 24. What is Netiquette? It keeps safe on the internet We also know it as Internet Etiquette. Is a code of good behavior on the Internet All of the above None 25. Where is BCC used? Search engine Web browser E-mail High Level Language None Share this:TweetEmailTelegramPrintWhatsAppLike this:Like Loading... Related Posts (You May Also Read):