Operating System: Types & Functions

Operating System: What are the Features | Functions | Uses | Available Operating System

An Operating System serves as a bridge between a computer’s user and its Hardware. An operating system’s function is to offer a setting in which a user may conveniently and effectively run programs. In this Article we had discussed about Operating System and its Uses, Features and Functions.

In other words we could say “Computer hardware management software is called an Operating System.” In order to guarantee the proper functioning of the computer system and prevent user programs from interfering with that operation, the hardware must offer the necessary mechanisms.

The distribution of resources and services, such as memory, processors, devices, and information, is a concern of an operating system. To handle these resources, the operating system has programs like a traffic controller, a scheduler, a memory management module, I/O programs, and a file system.

Operating System : Features | Functions

1- Basic Features of Operating System

  • Efficiency: An OS enables the effective use of computer system resources.
  • Ability to Construct: An OS has been designed in a way that makes it possible to create, test, and introduce new system functions simultaneously without disrupting existing ones.
  • Fast Output: Operating system gives maximum output through provided amount of time to complete the activity.

2- Major Functions of Operating System

  • Storage management: Operating System used the latest file system (NTFS, FAT, EXT, HFS, APFS, etc.) mechanism for storing Data. There are several Devices are used to Store Data Hard Disc, SSD (Solid State Drive), NVME SSD, Flash Drive, ODD, etc.
  • Resources management: It is a resource manager when parallel accessing occurs, which is when numerous users are accessing the system. Its duty is to offer hardware to the user.
  • Memory Management: Operating system controls main memory.The operating system tracks Memory Utilization timely and also determine which process requires memory.
  • Process management: This entails a number of duties, such as planning and ending the process. Operating System used Algorithms for CPU Scheduling to accomplish this.
  • Security/Privacy Management: The operating system protects privacy by using passwords to prevent unauthorized apps from accessing programs or data.
Windows Operating System - preparetestexam.com
Windows Operating System – preparetestexam.com

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3- Types of Operating System

  • Single Tasking Operating System: Computers which allows user to run a single task at a time they called Single Tasking Operating System. E.g, MS DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System). MS Dos is also known as command Prompt who has complete the task using Commands. Its is a CLI (Command Line Interface) based Operating System.
  • Multi-Tasking Operating System: Nowadays Mostly users used Multi-Tasking Operating system which is based on GUI (Graphical User Interface). Users can do the multiple work at the same time like, listing Music on any Music Application, browsing on Google Chrome App or any Browser and also using Notepad or any Text Editor Program.
  • Real Time Operating System: Real-time operating systems have very short processing and response times. Examples of real-time operating systems are space and military software systems.
  • Batch Operating System: Some computer procedures take a long time to complete. Jobs with comparable demands are grouped together and completed as a group to speed up the same procedure. A batch operating system never allows for direct user interaction. Every user in this kind of OS prepares their work on an offline device, such as a punch card, then submits it to the computer operator.

4- History of Operating System

Followings are the evolution of Operating Systems:

GenerationYearUsed Electronic DeviceOS Type
First Generation1945-55Vacuum TubesPlugboard OS
Second Generation1955-65TransistorsBatch System OS
Third Generation1965-80Integrated CircuitsMulti-programming OS
Fourth GenerationSince 1980Large Scale IntegrationPersonal Computer
History of Operating System

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