Libre Office Writer Shortcut Keys

Libre Office Writer Shortcut Keys

A to Z Shortcuts

Press this Shortcut in Libre Writer InterfaceGet the Following Action
Ctrl + ASelect All
Ctrl + BBold the selected word
Ctrl + CCopy the selected Text
Ctrl + DDouble Underline
Ctrl + ECenter Alignment
Ctrl + FFind
Ctrl + GGo to
Ctrl + HFind & Replace
Ctrl + IItalic the selected word
Ctrl + JJustified
Ctrl + KHyperlink
Ctrl + LAlign Left
Ctrl + NCreating New Document
Ctrl + OOpening a document
Ctrl + PPrint Previews
Ctrl + QExit the LibreOffice
Ctrl + RAlign Right
Ctrl + SSave a document
Ctrl + UUnderline the selected word
Ctrl + VPaste the cut or copied matter
Ctrl + WClose
Ctrl + XCut the selected text
Ctrl + YRedo the last action
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action

Combination with Shift Shortcuts

Shortcut KeysAction
F2Formula Bar
F3Complete Auto Text
F5Navigator Show/Hide
F7Spelling Check
F11Manage Style
F12Insert Number List
Ctrl +0Text Body
Ctrl +1Heading 1
Ctrl +2Heading 2
Ctrl +3Heading 3
Ctrl+F2Insert Field
Ctrl+F3Auto Text
Ctrl+F5Show/Hide Side bar
Ctrl +F7Thesaurus
Ctrl +F10Show Formatting Mark
Ctrl+F12Insert Table Option
Alt +F12LibreOffice User data
Ctrl +Shift +JFull Screen
Ctrl +Shift +bSub Script
Ctrl + Shit +SSave as another copy
Ctrl +Shift +OPrint Preview
Ctrl +Shift +VPaste Special Dialog box
Shift + Ctrl +YRepeat action
Ctrl + Shift +PSuperscript
Shift + Left ArrowMove cursor left with single letter selection
Shift + Right ArrowMove cursor right with single letter selection
Ctrl +Right ArrowGo to right side next word
Ctrl + Left ArrowGo to left side next word
Ctrl +Shift + Right ArrowGo to right with selected word by word
Ctrl + Shit +Left ArrowGo to left with selected word by word
Arrow UpMove cursor up one line
Shift + Arrow UpSelecting  lines in upward direction
Ctrl +Up ArrowMove cursor to beginning the paragraph
Ctrl +Shift +Up ArrowSelect to beginning the paragraph
Down ArrowMove cursor down one line
HomeGo to beginning of line
Shift +HomeGo to selecting the beginning of line
EndGo to end of the line
Shift +EndGo to selecting end of the line
Ctrl +HomeGo to beginning of the document
Ctrl +EndGo to end of the document
Ctrl +Shift +HomeGo to selecting to beginning of the document
Ctrl + Shit +EndGo to selecting to end of the document
Ctrl +Alt +EExtension Manager dialog box
Ctrl +Shift + F5Go to Page number
Shift +F7Auto Spelling Check
Shift +F12Insert bullets
Ctrl +Shift +F12Number list and bullet list off

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