The Ultimate Shortcut Guide for LibreOffice Impress

Libre Office Impress is the tool for make presentations by using Text and Images with Graphics. Impress provides a variety of user-friendly drawing tools. These tools can enhance the elegance of your presentation. They also add complexity to it. You can use slide show effects and animations to make your presentation more attractive.

Let’s Begin the Shortcut Keys of LibreOffice Impress

Shortcut of LibreOffice ImpressAction
F1LibreOffice Help
F3Enter Group
F4Position and Size
F5Slide Show
Page UpTo Previous Slide
Page DownTo Next Slide
Ctrl + NNew Presentation
Ctrl + OOpen
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + PPrint
Ctrl + QExit
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YRedo
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + ASelect All
Ctrl + FFind
Ctrl + HReplace
Ctrl + GGo to Page
Ctrl + KHyperlink
Ctrl + BBold
Ctrl + IItalic
Ctrl + UUnder Line
Ctrl + ]Increase Size, Font
Ctrl + [Decrease Size, Font
Ctrl + 1Line Spacing 1
Ctrl + 2Line Spacing 2
Ctrl + 5Line Spacing 1.5
Ctrl + LAlign Left
Ctrl + EAlign Centered
Ctrl + RAlign Right
Ctrl + JJustified
Ctrl + MNew Slide
Ctrl + +Bring Forward
Ctrl + –Send Backward
Ctrl + F3Exit Group
Ctrl + F7Thesaurus
Ctrl + W (or) Ctrl + F4Close Window
Ctrl + Shift + SSave As
Ctrl + Shift + NTemplate
Ctrl + Shift + OPrint Preview
Ctrl + Shift + YRepeat Apply Attributes
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste Special
Ctrl + Shift + RRuler
Ctrl + Alt + CComment
Ctrl + Shift + PSuperscript
Ctrl + Shift + BSubscript
Ctrl + Shift + +Bring to Front
Ctrl + Shift + –Send to Back
Ctrl + Shift + GGroup
Ctrl + Shift + UpSlide Up
Ctrl + Shift + DownSlide Down
Ctrl + Shift + MEdit Mode
Ctrl+ Shift +F5Navigator
Ctrl + Shift + EndSlide to End
Ctrl + Alt + EExtension Manager
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + VPaste UN-formatted Text
Shift + F3Duplicate Object, Picture
Shift + F7Automatic Spell Checking
Shift + F5Start from Current Slide
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