The Ultimate Shortcut Guide for LibreOffice Calc Users

Calc is the Libre Office Calc spreadsheet module. Libre Office Calc spreadsheet allows you to enter and manipulate data, most of which is numerical, to get specific results.

LibreOffice Calc important Shortcuts for get Practice and best performance in Libre Calc in following Exams, E.g. NIELIT’s Recommended O Level and CCC Courses.

HomeMove cursor to first cell of the row
EndMove cursor to last cell of the row
EnterMove cursor one cell down
F2Enter Edit mode
F4Rearrange references
F5Show/hide Navigator
F7Check spelling
F8Enable/disable additional selection mode
F9Recalculate formulas in current sheet
F11Open Styles
F12Group the selected data range
Ctrl + * (Astrik)Selects data range contained by the cursor
Ctrl + / (Slash)Selects matrix formula contained by the cursor
Ctrl + Plus ButtonInsert cells
Ctrl + Minus ButtonDelete cells
Ctrl + ` (backtick)Display/hide formulas
Ctrl + 1Open Format cells
Ctrl + F1Show comment
Ctrl + F2Open Function wizard
Ctrl + F3Open Define names
Ctrl + F7Opens Thesaurus
Ctrl + F8Highlight cells containing values
Ctrl + F9Update chart
Ctrl + F12UN-Group the selected data range
Ctrl + HomeMove cursor to A1
Ctrl + EndMove cursor to last cell with data inside
Ctrl + Left arrowMove cursor left of the current data range
Ctrl + Right arrowMove cursor right of the current data range
Ctrl + Up arrowMove cursor to the top of the current data range
Ctrl + Down arrowMove cursor to the bottom of the current data range
Ctrl + Page upMove sheet right
Ctrl + Page downMove sheet right
Ctrl + Shift + 1Two decimal places
Ctrl + Shift + 2Exponential format
Ctrl + Shift + 3Date format
Ctrl + Shift + 4Currency format
Ctrl + Shift + 5Percentage format
Ctrl + Shift + 6Standard format
Ctrl + Shift + ArrowSelect all cells containing data
Ctrl + Shift + F9Recalculate formulas in all sheets
Shift + HomeSelect from current cell to first cell of the row
Shift + EndSelect from current cell to last cell of the row
Shift + Page upSelect from the current cell up a page
Shift + Page downSelect from the current cell down a page
Shift + F11Create a document template
Shift + F5Traces dependents
Shift + F7Traces precedents
Shift + Ctrl + F2Move cursor to input line
Shift + Ctrl + F4Show/hide Database explorer
Shift + Ctrl + F5Moves cursor to Sheet area
Shift + Ctrl + F11Update the template
Shift + Ctrl + Page upAdds previous sheet to current sheet
Shift + Ctrl + Page downAdds next sheet to current sheet
Alt + Page upMove one screen left
Alt + Page downMove one screen right
Alt + Down arrowIncrease current height row
Alt + Up arrowDecrease current height row
Alt + Right arrowIncrease current column width
Alt + Left arrowDecrease current column width
Alt + Shift + ArrowFits column width and row height based on current cell
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