Formatting Tags of HTML and HTML5

Uses of Formatting Tags of HTML and HTML5 in Web Page

Formatting tags of HTML and HTML5 which are most widely used in web pages to decorate them.

1 – <b> Tag for Bold the Text

This Tag is used for Bold the text inside you b tag.

<b>This is a Bold Text</b>

This is a Bold Text

1.1 – <strong> Alternate Tag for Bold Text

<strong>This is a Bold Text using Strong</strong>

This is a Bold Text using Strong

2 – <i> Tag for Italic the Text

This Tag is used for Italic the text.

<b>This is a Italic Text</b>

This is a Italic Text

2.1 – <em> Alternate Tag for Italic Text

<em>This is a Italic Text using Emphasize </em>

This is Italic Text using Emphasize

3 – <u> Tag for Underline the Text

<u>This is a Underline Text Tag</u>

This is Underline Text Tag

3.1 – <ins> Alternate Tag for Underline Text

<ins>This is a Underline Text Tag</ins>

This is Underline Text Tag

4 – <strike> Tag for strike through the Text

<strike>This is a strike through tag</strike>

This is a strike through tag

4.1 – <del> Alternate Tag for Strike through Text

<del>This is a del tag</del>

This is a del tag

Also Read : O Level M1 – R5 – Information Technology Tools & Network Basics

5 – <p> Tag for Paragraph the Text

<p>This is a Paragraph Text</p>

This is a Paragraph Text

6 – <H1> First Heading Tag (There are total 6 types of headings are:)

<h1>This is a H1 Heading</h1>

This is a H1 Heading

7 – <H2> Second Heading Tag

<h2>This is a H2 Heading</h2>

This is a H2 Heading

8 – <H3> Third Heading Tag

<h3>This is a H3 Heading</h3>

This is a H3 Heading

9 – <H4> Fourth Heading Tag

<h4>This is a H4 Heading</h4>

This is a H4 Heading

10 – <H5> Fifth Heading Tag

<h5>This is a H5 Heading</h5>

This is a H5 Heading

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11 – <H6> Sixth Heading Tag

<h6>This is a H6 Heading</h6>

This is a H6 Heading

12 – <sup> For Superscript the Text

<p>This is <sup>Superscript</sup> Tag</p>

This is Superscript Tag

13 – <sub> For Subscript the Text

<p>This is <sub>Subscript</sub> Tag</p>

This is Subscript Tag

14 – <mark> For Highlight the Text

<p>This is <mark>Highlighted</mark> Text</p>

This is Highlighted Text

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  1. Pingback: O Level – M2-R5 (Web Designing and Publishing) - Test Exam

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