Computer Fundamental

Computer Fundamental – Learn Basics of Computer

Computer Fundamental is the most common Topic is today’s study and Exams and also mostly exams have this topic to increase awareness about computer in today’s youth. A Computer is an electronic device which can helps you to accepts data/inputs from its users then process it and outputting a useful information using instructions.

Today’s Computer Fundamental are mostly common thing in Computers to prepare your Exams or Covering Syllabus like O Level, CCC, Other Government Exams, Banking Exams, SSC, UPSSSC and more.

1- Functions of Computer

  • It is accepting data/information as the input
  • Store data in its memory
  • Process the data and execute them
  • Provide the output as input result
  • Controlling the all process.

2 -Types of Computer

Analog Computer: Analog Computers are made by using any Mechanism to physically movements.

Digital Computer: Digital Computers are the First choice of today’s peoples they are made based on Chips and PCBs as well as Digital Reading.

Hybrid Computer: Those Computers who are made by Analog and Digital form they called as Hybrid Computers.

3 – According to Uses Types of Computers

(i) Macro Computers:

Micro Computer

Macro Computers are single-user computer systems having small, relatively reasonable computers designed for an individual user. This type of computer can easily be moved from one place to the other comprising a personal storage unit, input & output unit, and a Central Processing Unit.

(ii) Mini Computer:

Mini Computer

These come under multiple user computer systems that are capable of holding hundreds of users simultaneously.

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(iii) Main-Frame:

Main Frame Computer

Mainframe computers are also multi-user computer systems, capable of supporting hundreds of users simultaneously; designed to be used in large firms and organizations where a lot of people have to work on the same database. Software technology is different from minicomputers.

(iv) Supercomputer:

Super Computer

These are extremely fast computers, which can execute hundreds of millions of instructions per second. Supercomputers are mostly used in scientific and engineering operations where processing is difficult. They are costly and complex to work on.

4 – Characteristics / Advantages of Computer

  • High Speed – The computer is a very fast device. It can perform the calculation of a very huge amount of data. The computer has units of speed in a microsecond, nanosecond.
  • Accuracy – In addition to being very fast, computers are very accurate. Computers perform all jobs with 100% accuracy provided that the input is correct.
  • Storage Capability – It can store a large amount of data. It can store any type of data such as images, videos, text, audio, etc.
  • Diligence – Computer can work continuously without any error and boredom.
  • Versatility – Computer can perform multiple task at the same time.
  • Reliability – A computer is a reliable machine and we can trust its results and accuracy.
  • Automation – Automation is the capability due to which a machine can perform its task without the need for human consideration.

5 – Dis-Advantages of Computer

  • No I.Q – A computer is not capable enough to make any decision on its own.
  • Dependency – It works according to the user’s instruction, thus it is entirely dependent on humans.
  • No Feelings – Computers have no feelings or emotions. It is not smart enough to make a judgment based on experience, feeling, taste, and knowledge just like humans.

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  1. Pingback: O Level – M1-R5 (Information Technology Tools & Network Basics) - Test Exam

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