Components of Computer System

Components of Computer System – Input, Process, Output

Basic components and elements of a computer system include things like hardware, software, program, data, and communication. No computer can function without these components.

The basic building blocks that enable the quick and efficient operation of electronic equipment are called components of a computer system.

All computer types adhere to the same fundamental logical structure, which is as follows:

  • 1. Input the Data – This is the method of inserting data and instructions into the computer system.
  • 2. Storing the Data – Collecting data and instructions so that they are ready for processing as and when needed.
  • 3. Processing the Data – Working on arithmetic, and logical operations on data to transform them into useful data.
  • 4. Providing the Output – The means of generating useful information or results for the user, such as a printed record or visual display.
  • 5. Controlling the Data – Manages the method and sequence in which all of the preceding operations are performed.

1 – CPU (Central Processing Unit)

The Central Processing Unit or CPU is also known as the brain of the computer.

The CPU performs all kinds of data processing operations. It manages the operation of every component of the computer and saves data, intermediate outcomes, and instructions (program).

The CPU has the following three components:

  1. Control Unit
  2. ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
  3. Cache Memory

1.1 – CU (Control Unit)

This unit controls the all operations and process of all parts of the computer.

1.2 – ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)

Arithmetic Logic Unit execute arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division comparing, selecting, matching, and merging data.

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2 – Input Unit

The information is changed by the input devices into a format that the computer can use. Data can take the form of numbers, phrases, activities, directions, and other things. Then, in order to process this input and produce results, computers practice their CPU.

An input device that inserts symbols, numbers, and letters is a computer keyboard, for instance. Similarly, a mouse may be used as an input device to enter orders and instructions. JoyStick, Light Pen, Magnetic Ink Card Reader (MICR), Track Ball, Graphic Tablet, Scanner, Microphone, Optical Character Reader (OCR), Barcode Reader, etc. are further types of input devices.

3 – Output Unit

The output from the computer is changed by output devices into a format that the users can understand. As a result, output devices produce data that has been prepared by the computer to reflect user preferences.
The output devices include things like a monitor, printer, projector, speakers, and headphones.

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